WordPress Licensing Plug-In, for Theme Licensing
under review
I sell WordPress themes, and the Sellix API and Serials product type would be perfect to create my own licensing!
I was working through figuring out how to integrate the Sellix API with a custom plug-in to do the license provisioning and verification, and thought maybe I'd check in and see if that were something Sellix was interested in creating for all merchants, or if you guys had ideas on how I can code that myself.
So far, I've gotten to the part of creating the Sellix serials, and I coded my own plug-in, but I'm stuck at the API integration and authentication piece. I have a system that will accept a Sellix webhook to deliver the actual product, so I don't need that, but I do need to figure out how to integrate Sellix
For context, you can't copyright or restrict any PHP elements of a theme, based on WordPress' GPL, but you can definitely license and retain rights for anything else like CSS, JS, images, and more, that are not PHP. It's called a split GNU license, and that's how Envato and Theme Forest are able to license and verify themes... You can buy themes that are custom, based on page builders, and/or child themes, all licensed and verified through their custom plug-in.
So, I guess I'm asking: is it possible for Sellix to consider building a Sellix WordPress Theme Licensing Plug-In for merchants, built on the existing Serials and Sellix licensing API? The existing product/plug-in Easy Digital Downloads is pretty close to what I'm requesting, for their software licensing model that includes a premade plug-in: https://easydigitaldownloads.com/downloads/software-licensing/ But, I don't need to sell from WordPress, I need to just license for my themes (EDD is a WP tool only for the merchant, as well as the end user for the licensed WP product. I don't actually use WP for my own websites right now, and don't care to).
Happy to collaborate as needed. :) Thank you for reading!
We'll look into this but unfortunately unsure about an ETA
under review