Required Addons
Love this one! Leaving some detailed notes, to give more insight to the dev team. :)
This will allow pricing combos for individual products, where:
- Different billing models may be combined
- For delineation/bifurcation of specific fees, like things that need their own line item, for clarity and/or regulations
With Sellix' developer abilities, you can do lots of cool stuff with their API and webhooks, and having one or more required "Add-Ons" for specific products would be great.
This is not just to make sure paired items are purchased together, but also so all of the data is purchased, transmitted, and later updated (in the case of subscriptions) in ONE JSON payload, to trigger your action(s) of choice, for the "Dynamic" product type.
Some examples:
a) Initial purchase price, plus monthly subscription.
Example: buy a software license with initial access fee, and small subscription for special features like monthly credits.
b) Product price, plus one time add-on price.
Example: buy a physical product, and add on shipping and handling fee.
Example: buy a digital product, and add on a customization service fee.