support for languages that are written from right to left (RTL) in Sellix's i18n language system. As you may already know, RTL languages are used by millions of people worldwide, including Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, and Urdu.
While I appreciate the recent launch of Sellix Ecommerce for international customers in ten languages, I have noticed that RTL languages are not currently supported. This can create a challenge for businesses looking to serve customers in RTL language-speaking regions. because arabic without RTL support is useless.
I am aware that updating the system to support RTL languages may require some technical adjustments, such as aligning text to the right side of the screen, reversing the order of certain elements, and adapting the layout of certain features. However, implementing these changes would significantly improve the customer experience for RTL language speakers.
Therefore, I would like to request that Sellix consider adding RTL language support to its i18n system or the default theme. Doing so would not only benefit RTL language speakers but also the businesses using your platform to reach a wider audience.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. If you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reply my ticket.